Friday, November 18, 2011

Write Something #1

"Just write something," I told myself. "Anything at all."

So I did just that. I wrote "something" and you're reading that "something" right now.

I often wonder why the creativity in us is left to rot in some dark corner of our minds until we hardly remember that we ever had the creative spark to begin with. There is so much of ourselves wasted on the daytoday mundane "life" that we all try so hard to "live", but are we really living? Hardly...We're convinced that creativity is an activity to be performed between the hours of ten pm and one am and d sometimes on the weekends,. That our true gifts are only a hobby, to be entertained "when we have time" as a leftover to our "real" lives. Why is this so? Why are we lost in this in this paradox of spiritual evolution? I wish I had the answers . Somehow we've created a world that doesn't promote creativity as a primary purpose. One must work hard at a job to make a living and pay the bills. Then maybe, just maybe he'll have enough time and/or energy to actually make something with his life.

Yet, here I am, clicking away at my keyboard on a Monday evening, trying to type with my eyes completely closed in an effort to "create" something...anything really. How am I doing so far?...I do feel good that I actually am typing something other than a proposal, or marketing fluff or even a simple email.

I am a writer....I keep telling myself as an affirmation so taht the reality becomes truer each day.s it's working, cuz here I am....writing. Not a novel, or even a short story, but words are flowing from my fingertips as my mind allows thought to pour from my nerves into this PC. Amazing when you break it down to it's simplest form. I think, therefore I am...I think, therfore I write.

Who knows, this may be the first of many blog/journal entries that I write over the next few months. Did I mention that my eyes are completely closed this enterir time? You can probably tell by my terrible spelling and awful typos. But who's coutning?

Until next time.....this is Paul, and I just wrote something.

By Paul Graham 5/23/2011

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