Saturday, November 19, 2011


He ran like the wind through the dense fog desperately
trying to escape from himself. Faster and faster until the world became a blur in his mind.
Finding no comfort in a state of disillusionment, he collapsed upon himself in an inward
convulsion of emotion.
Choking on the past and gasping for salvation upon the alter of self destruction, he noticed the lifeless shell within. It cracked and crumbled in a heap of frustrated agony at his feet. Tearing apart the memories of what was, and clouding what could be.
While he lay drinking in the salt of his tears, the visions flipped through his mind like a maddening display of chaotic animation.
This all too familiar feeling of confusion plagued his mind and demanded his attention.
He averted his eyes from the light of self resurrection and continued to bleed tears of pity.
Knowing that his only hope was to renew the vow of redemption and lift himself from the shadows, his spirit awoke to the sound of desperation.
Slowly pouring vitality into the glass of his humanity, and drying the salt from his tears.
Awakened and seeing through eyes of clarity, that from within became his saviour. Saved from himself, by himself was the irony that cracked a smile on his lips as he spoke the word, "...Awake..."
by Paul Graham, 11/4/2001

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